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Friday 10 October 2014

Serampore college (my longest yet I know but perhaps my best, so try to read all of it)

The Serampore college is located in the town of Serampore in the Hooghly district in West Bengal overlooking the Ganga river. The College was made in the 19th by Danish missionaries in the then Danish colony of Serampore, who believed that the colony needed an institution of European knowledge, culture and style to educate the many interested youngsters in the colony with the 'Western ways'. It was incorporated by a Danish Royal charter issued by the then King of Denmark Fredriksen VI, on request of the three missionaries most interested in the college William Carrey, Joshua Marshman and William Ward. Carrey also became the first principal of the college. It issues degrees in theology on its own from the Danish Royal charter it has and is one of the few colleges in India that issues degrees in theology. Degrees for arts, commerce and sciences are awarded by the Calcutta university.

I knew about the college from history books and my father, though given how much historical information he has(or has exhibited till now. We've had many talks on history but not making a sure statement) there's not very much difference. But all these years I had never paid too much attention to it or thought about it, until I went to Serampore one day with my mother to visit a friend of hers who lived there. While we were with her, there came an 'awkward silence moment' and I don't really like those so I tried to think of something to talk about related to Serampore and there came Serampore college. The conversation didn't last long and they shifted to something else but Serampore college stayed in my mind, maybe because of its history, maybe something else, I don't really know. After they were done with their talks I asked my mother's friend if we could see Serampore college from her house, she said we could and so she took me to her house's roof and showed me the college. It was dark by then so I couldn't see it very properly at that time. When we came home I asked my youngest Nanaji(my mother's youngest uncle) about the college and he said, 'sure i know about the college, i'm amongst its allumni'. When he said that I was thrilled, and i asked him if he could take me there one day and he said he would. His 'He would' really got delayed for various reasons but he finally did take me there two days before we were leaving.

When we got there we entered from the new entrance on the side and I was really wondering where the Ganga was and the first building we saw was very different from what the internet and the website had. I enquired regarding that to my Nanaji and He said told me that this was the new entrance and building, the original one was further ahead directly overlooking the Ganga river. We went ahead and I was quite stunned at what I saw, the building was absolutely beautiful and extremely grand. I think i spent about 5 minutes just standing there motionless looking at it.

Now for all those who like architecture or beautiful buildings(like me) I am going to comment on the college's architecture. Those who don't, screw you. Scroll down to the next paragraph. The building is very tastefully designed with both Indian and European, classical influences. The columns are inspired by the massive Greek columns seen in ancient Greek buildings like The Parthenon or The temple of Zeus or the photo of Olympus. But they lack the grooves of the traditional pillars, they've been also touched by the so called 'Channel architecture' or of the place belonging near the English channel like France, UK, Netherlands etc. as they are plain and smooth. They can be seen at the forecourt of the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the entrance to the Tower of London and even the Louvre. The windows are similar to the traditional old Danish and English country house ones covered at the top by the Indian inspired 'Chatris' ,made in a European style, to provide cover from the Harsh Indian Sun and the rains. Though still the best part is still the main facade, inspired by the Parthenon again, the large triangular top and a main staircase, grand but still appropriate and sober enough for a college. A beautiful piece of architecture.

Now that I've done what I wanted there's also a funny story attached to my visit.
Now the day we went was the day they had their final Theology exam of the first semester. We reached after the exam was over, and after college timings. So the college was kinda closed. We were here finally after a lot of days and I really wanted to see the college. I got my camera out and hanged it around my neck and got the camera bag with me on my shoulder and with my Nanaji I walked up to the gate. The security guard asked what we were there, I reckoned by the look of his face and the exam thing that just saying, 'My Nanaji is an alumnus of your college', so I had an Idea. I told him that we were here to talk to the Principal of the college about the college and take some pictures regarding that. He asked us what business and I said, 'we'd rather like to talk about it to the principal ourselves' with a serious face. Thankfully my Nanaji remained quiet. He looked at us and then the DSLR and let us in. We moved in and I said to myself, 'piece of cake'. Then we just roamed around the college and Nanaji told me stuff about the college like told what the various buildings were for, where he and his friends used to hangout in the college, how he got into detention one or two times and stuff like that.

After that he wanted to show me his old class and the library so we went to the main building. Thankfully it was open. When we went to the building it was open (thank god) and we went in. We decided to go to the library first since it was downstairs. When we went to the library the librarian was sleeping on her chair and there was a guy next to her. He looked at us and the camera and asked us what we were here for. I replied in English and i had just started that he stopped me and said that we can go in. (Look. The part.) So we got though and saw the library easy. Then the building and my Nanaji's class. We just waved and said hello to everyone we saw in building and got through. When we got out of the building my Grandfather said, 'weird'.

After the building we saw that there was a Carrey museum in front. We got excited and just walked up, only to see that it was locked. I got a bit annoyed and went into the library again to ask that guy there about it. He said that it opens at around three. I said okay and we waited till three, it was 2:40 then so not a really long wait we supposed, but then it was 3:15, and it wasn't open. Hmmm. I went to the library again and asked about the 3:00pm thing. He said he didn't know why it wasn't open, and told us to check the admin block for further information. I wanted to see the museum so I went there. There i got hold of one of the teachers and asked him about the museum. He told me that it has been closed for the exams and will open in the next semester, but he also asked me who I was and what I was there for. I knew I had to lie again and also that principal talk thing wouldn't work on this guy so I just said that, 'I'm here for a project of the government of India aimed at enlightening our nation's people about our countries's old educational institution and have come from Delhi for this'. He TOO looked at the DSLR, was impressed by my English and noticed the content of my words and said, 'well then you should go talk to the principal since you've come from so far for something so important, I think if you talk to him he'd agree.' and he showed me the way to his cabin. Now I was tensed, cause it'd be difficult to fool the principal cause he must be smart and will look at the details. But I 'maintained character' and went to the cabin. This time Nanaji was with me. He didn't say anything but he was tensed. We went into the principal's cabin and waited for him. He came after a while and greeted us and asked us what we came for. I told him the same government of India thing and he said, 'hmm strange I was not informed of anything of this sort'. I made a save by saying that the government wanted to get the colleges in the go, as they really are. If they're prepared it's fake, and he bought that. Then we asked him about the library opening y saying that we'd like to know as much about the college as we can. He asked us if we had any documents. I just thought and said that I was unaware that we needed any documents, since their website said that the museum was always open and this hadn't happened earlier so our documents were at the hotel. He looked at us for a while, thought and said, 'okay, i'll have the museum open in 5 minutes. Government business should not be delayed or bad.'. HE BOUGHT IT. I said thank you and we left for the museum.

We waited at the museum for 15 minutes and I got cranky and with all the 'success' I became kinda arrogant and just rushed to the library near the museum as the principal told me the gatekeeper was there. I went there and asked them about him. They said that he should be here any moment i, in anger said, said a bit angrily, 'I've got permission from the Principal and am here for a project of the Government. I have to see a lot of other places too, so call him now, call the principal or do something and get the museum open please!' The librarian suddenly became very obliging and called the gatekeeper and principal. The gate keeper turned up in the next two to three minutes(quick). I could tell he was sleeping and had rushed to get here. When he got here he said, 'hello sir. Sorry you had to wait, but why'd you have to go to the principal? Had to walk so much(liar liar/ass kissing/sure)'. Then he opened the library just for us and very 'happily' gave us a tour of the place. It was a decent library, though a few things were REALLY pathetically preserved like the Royal Charter and two photos. I mean the charter was CRUMPLED. YOU DON'T DO THAT TO SUCH AN OLD AND IMPORTANT HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. I was stunned and also a lot of the text in there was in Bengali. Thankfully my Grandfather translated for me. The museum was pretty cool too, I mean the way it was arranged and planned. The third document under the portrait is the Royal Charter just for those who wanna know.

There was this really cool bust of William Carrey from the 1800's in the front. It was good, reminded me of the rich history of the college and importance.

After we were done he closed the museum. We said thank you and just left the college. I was really worried about my Nanaji blabbering out anything while I was lying. But on the contrary when we were going back on the bike he said, "well played joy, well played..." When we got home he told everyone about what I'd done to see the college and all of us laughed about it through the night. For the moral ones, I wanted to see the college and God doesn't mind a lie or two every now ans then. Besides I didn't REALLY lie. I never said I was a government agent but that there was a project of the government that i was here for, which there actually is and i plan on submitting this there. So they misunderstood me, not my problem, really not my problem......

Note:- For those wondering why the black and white photos. I think for places that are so old and classic and historic, Black and white adds more substance to it more depth and makes it more serious. I know that sounds big and the photos aren't masterpieces but they're good.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Today i killed a man

Today i killed a man
They found him hanging from the ceiling fan 
But he didn't die that way 
He didn't die, he just left today 

I put a gun, against his head
I pulled the trigger, now he's dead 
He didn't do anything wrong, he was just nice 
It took me a while to take courage, to kill him, to roll the dice

He tried to resist, but i eventually brought him down 
You can hear his mother weeping, all around town 
He could paint very well, i didn't like it
So i held his head, and with a bullet striked it

Today i killed a man
They found him hanging from the ceiling fan 
But he didn't die that way 
He didn't die, he just left today 

His father couldn't cope with it, he always nagged 
He too had tears in his eyes, when his body was dragged
I could look at the fear, he had in his eyes
Within him, i could see for miles. 

He laughed too much, wasn't right for me 
I had to kill him, because he wouldn't be what i wanted him to be 
His friends didn't seem to care 
They didn't even notice, he wasn't there. 

Today i killed a man
They found him hanging from the ceiling fan 
But he didn't die that way 
He didn't die, he just left today 

God came to me in my dreams last night 
He cursed me for my deed, we had a fight
Then i looked at myself in the mirror 
But i didn't see myself, i saw a sinner

Regret brought me to knees, i gave in to my sins
In my inner fight, evil never wins
I lost my soul to god, by the end of the day
He gave up my soul, and satan took it away. 

Today i killed a man
They found him hanging from the ceiling fan 
But he didn't die that way 
He didn't die, he just left today